Please Enjoy the Redesigned Four Pounds Flour

Welcome to the brand new  Stay tuned as this blog continues to change and grow in the future.

The blog was redesigned by Ben Kinsley ( with illustrations by Peter Van Hyning (  If you like the new look , check out more of their work!

Please make liberal use of the comments section, and let me know what you like or hate concerning the site’s new look, usability, content, etc.  And let me know what you would like to see in the future in terms of new features, resources, and content.

Thank you!

11 thoughts on “Please Enjoy the Redesigned Four Pounds Flour

  1. I like the redesign! My only comment so far is that it would be nice to add a page title to the RSS feed. It’s a silly thing but it’s a pet peeve when I immediately have to retitled a feed because it’s blank after I add it to my reader.

    I’m a big fan and I look forward to seeing more in the future.

  2. I do love wordpress; I’m still getting used to it, but I can see already it sllows me so much more flexibility.

    I was just thinking the other day that I want to do more video–I just have to figure out to fund it. After working in the food-web-video industry, I want to be able to pay a talented cameraperson *something* to shoot. So I haven’t quite got that worked out. But suggestion noted, and I plan on adding more media to this site in the future.

    And thank you everyone!! and thank you for reading!

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