“A happy hunter. Bear hunting is an important recreational sport on the refuge” 11 May 1957 US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Digital Library
A whole raccoon, cooked by the the French Culinary Insitute blog.
Order from Czimer’s Butcher Shop, in Illinois. I found out about this place from Cooking Issues: the French Culinary Insitute blog who ordered up and cooked beaver, yak, a whole raccoon, some bear, and a lion steak. We both went “bonkers” for beaver; read my write-up on eating beaver here.
Dinner at Henry’s End: Elk chop, venison sausage, and wild boar belly.
Dine at Henry’s End, a restaurant in Brooklyn Heights, who have an annual winter “Wild Game Festival.” The menu is generally available October through early spring and currently includes Turtle Soup, Elk Chops, Wild Boar Ragout, Buffalo Hangar Steak, and Kangaroo. I’ve eaten there; read about it here.
All game meats sold in shops and restaurants in the United States is farmed, not wild. Wild meats do not comply with FDA regulations. I find store bought meat to be generally milder than the real wild stuff, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Does anyone know any other game meat resources?
Looks like you can’t buy moose anywhere period. You’re so lucky to have a BFF in Alaska.
I am EXTREMELY lucky to have friends in Alaska. Don’t you guys have another challenge on the way for me?
Kings Arm Tavern in Williamsburg serves a game pie of venison, rabbit and duck. Yummy.
I’ve never heard of that place! I’ll have to give it a whirl.
Check that– you mean HISTORIC Williamsburg, not the part of Brooklyn off the L train. My bad…
Savenor’s Market in Boston (and Cambridge) is my local source for game and “exotic” meat. Their website is lacking in game, but they always have boar, elk, & venison in their shops and usually have a pretty good selection of other things like python, pheasant, quail, bear, yak, etc. (albeit they are a bit pricey): https://www.savenorsmarket.com/web/
For dining, The Student Prince in Springfield, MA, dedicates each February to game: http://www.studentprince.com/
I’m in Cambridge at least once a year! I’ll have to stop by next time I’m in town.
Last summer I was in a thrift store and wound up buying a cookbook of hillbilly recipes, which included recipes for raccoon and other wild creatures. But I can’t try them even if I get the nerve, since don’t live in the right part of the country for raccoons (I could maybe cook a prairie dog or a coyote.)
Czimer’s! http://www.czimers.com/ they have racoon! Also, that cookbook sounds great.
Has anyone a clue about swan? (Of course…shipping to Europe may be tricky?) We’ve been wanting swan for so long. Preferably WITH the feathers. They’re everywhere, but seem to be protected.
Is Czimer’s Butcher Shop still in business for online sales
We are a USDA approved processing plant that carries wild boar and ostrich grass fed beef and red wattle pigs so if you need these products and want the best prices by buying direct from the plant drop me a line or call the plant at 254-584-0115 ask for Ty
Need raccoon meat to do a tribute/memorial to Dr. John’s fav! Raccoon Stew! I’m in Brooklyn, so Piasano’s was my first stop but they don’t have it. Came across this post and reached out to Czimers but it’s not on their site and the phone lines are disconnected or reach an Identity Protection company’s call center in India(!). Any ideas? THANK YOU!
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