Kitchen Histories: The Microwave Cookbook

eggcupItsa pizza egg cup!

My latest for Etsy is up, wherein I cook an entire chicken in the microwave.  Above, another recipe from The Microwave Cookbook by Pat Jester, Pizza Egg Cups.  Cheese, tomato sauce, salami, and a woefully under-cooked egg; it was kind of like Portuguese eggs, but with salami, and in the microwave.

Read about my adventures in microwave cooking here.

4 thoughts on “Kitchen Histories: The Microwave Cookbook

  1. Do you actually talk about making that nasty looking egg cup anywhere? Both the links you provided go to the etsy chicken post.

    • No, the egg cup is pretty cut and dry. Salami in a ramekin, crack in an egg, fill with tomato sauce, top with oregano and mozzarella. Microwave on high 3 minutes. Boom: nasty looking egg cup.

  2. My Dad used to make “coffee mug omelettes”, which definitely got out of hand, and never looked very good. I have to admit that his bad genes and the combination of runny egg and pizza have got me thinking I need to take a try at a dish like this.

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