Soda Fountain Favorites – in part with the NYPL’s Lunch Hour NYC
Saturday, October 13th at 1 PM
Inwood Library
4790 Broadway, NY NY
Inwood Library
4790 Broadway, NY NY
Saturday, October 20th at 2 PM
67th st Library
328 East 67 St. NY NY
67th st Library
328 East 67 St. NY NY
The stories behind three fountain favorites: the egg cream, Dr. Brown’s Cel-Ray soda, and the Lime Rickey. Will include a demo of how to mix each drink, as well as a tasting! This program is for families–bring the kids and learn together!
would love to have the recipes, any chance you will post them after the talk for those of us who live far from NY?
North Dakota is too far to make the trip.
North Dakota! Oh my! I’d recommend this site for lots of classic soda fountain recipes: http://www.prairiemoon.biz/bigliofoldfa.html
Oh how I wish i could travel for one of these!!!
You need to try the Franklin Fountain in Philly if you never have!