The History Dish: Peach Pie SUPREME

Labor Day is here, which means we’re headed toward fall, and inevitably winter.  So take the time this weekend to have one last summer fling and bake Peach Pie Supreme.
My mom cooked up this pie a few weeks ago when I was visiting her in Ohio; she made it with peaches she had picked herself from a farm down the street.  In New York, buying local, hand-picked peaches is a political statement; reciting their provenance, a badge of honor.  In Ohio, a peach down the street is an everyday thing.
My mother and I have often talked about recipes as a way of preserving family history and heritage; this recipe follows a similar train of thought.  It comes from 1,000 Years Over a Hot Stove, by Laura Schenone, a wonderful book about the history of women and the kitchen. It’s the last recipe in Schenone’s book because it’s from her own family: passed down from her husband’s grandmother.  It  holds almost mythic status as the Peach Pie.  The recipe was only located after an exhaustive search, and prepared with great care, because “After all, it’s not everyday you get to eat your grandmother’s pie after a few decades.”
The recipe is available in full online here.  My mother recommends a teaspoon of cinnamon, if you like it.

5 thoughts on “The History Dish: Peach Pie SUPREME

  1. great looking pie…. I so want to try it and keep planning to crack the receipt book of my gram that I inherited.. one of these days!!!!

  2. I make this pie. My mom (who would be 101!) found the recipe in a cookbook called the “Betty Furness Westinghouse Cookbook” published in the 1950’s It is also good made with half blueberries and half peaches.

    • Can I have your mother’s recipe? My mother, same era, made peach supreme pie all summer but I’ve lost her recipe.
      Thank you in advance!

  3. My wife’s family has a pie recipe that has been passed down for generations. The name given was Peach Ghotto pie. We have been unable to find any information on the internet referencing that name. Just curious if this name rings a bell.

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