UPDATE: the Nat Hist Museum has a post up on their blog about the Diet Talk (see below). It’s full of all kinds of fun information that I’ll be talking about. Check it out here.
Reducing Recipes: American Weight-Loss Trends
Where: The American Museum of Natural History, 200 Central Park West, New York, NY
When: Tuesday, January 24th 6:30 pm
Cost: $30 Buy Tickets Here.
What New Year’s resolution did you make this year? Millions of Americans will promise to shed a couple pounds in 2012; but when Americans start worrying about their waistlines to begin with? How did we count calories before we knew a calorie existed? How did faddish diets in the past change the way Americans ate forever?
Pre-Industrial Dinner
Where: The Farm on Adderly,
When: Wednesday, January 25th, 2012 7:30 PM
Cost: $69 / person (beverages, tax & gratuity not included)
To sign-up, send an e-mail to[email protected]
Step back in time with us and imagine Brooklyn in the mid-1800s. Farms flourished and Flatbush bustled as workers harvested crops in the neighborhoods we now call home. Join us at The Farm on Adderley for a meal inspired by the food eaten by the people who lived and worked on farms in the area. Refrigeration wasn’t yet available, so preservation techniques were the key to ensure food could be enjoyed all-year long. Chef Tom Kearney is creating a four-course meal showcasing these practices and techniques. Our guest for the evening is ‘historic gastronomist’ Sarah Lohman, who will provide a historical context for the food we’re eating and how Brooklyn – and specifically Flatbush – fit into the larger network of farms and food distribution in New York in the 1800s.