Traditional New York Cookies, stamped with historic Rooster and Kitty stamps.
I spent last Sunday morning at Old Stone House, stamping out cookies with the local kids of Park Slope. The stamps are historic replicas from House on the Hill and are just. beautiful. I was shocked at the level of detail the molds yielded; although I used them with 19th century cookie recipes, I think they would work well with most modern sugar cookie dough.
Stamped cookies are a tradition early Dutch settlers brought to New York (nee New Amsterdam). Over the years, they became known as a New York tradition that transcended immigrant groups. In the city, stamped cakes were passed out as treats on New Year’s Day, and as a memorial token at funerals.

Heating up the hearth at Old Stone House. I lit a large fire and let it burn down to red and white hot coals. Then, I pushed the coals to the back of the oven, and placed the cookies in the front. To test the oven, I made Tollhouse break and bake cookies, and they baked exactly as long as they said they would on the package. Voila!
A teeny helper dusts confectionar’s sugar in the mold. The sugar stops the dough from sticking, and delivers a more detailed image. Photo by Sharon Stadul
And then we stamp. Photo by Sharon Stadul.
We made two cookie recipes on Sunday: one, a caraway and orange cookie, came from the book Food, Drink and Celebrations of the Hudson Valley Dutch by Peter G. Rose. Man they were good – I want to experiment more with that recipe. The second cookie was a nutmeg-cinnamon-rosewater cake called, appropriately, New York Cookies. The recipes is from 1840 and I give it a B+. You may like them, particularly with a cup of tea, but they taste too much like the 19th century for my liking.
New York Cookies
From Directions For Cookery, In Its Various Branches by Eliza Leslie, 1840.
1/2 pound sugar
2 ounces rosewater
3 pounds flour
1 nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 pound butter